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Product Description

Cavity fire barrier which prevents the spread of flames and smoke Reduces the passage of sound along the cavity

  • Suitable for Masonry:Blockwork and Masonry:Timberframe
  • Meets Robust Detail Part E &  Approved Document B
  • Provides up to 1 hour  integrity
  • 1200mm long
  • Can be used for cavity widths from 40mm to 300mm
  • Manufactured from KNAUF ECOSE rock mineral wool


GIS Cavity Duo Socks are manufactured with Knauf ECOSE Rock Slab, encased in recycled plastic. Knauf ECOSE has a EUROCLASS A1 fire rating, tested to BSEN13501-1.  We test our socks using the latest BSEN1366-4 methods, for cavities up to 300mm wide, as per the BMT/FE/IF/15078 report, fitting them between substrates with equal or higher fire ratings than Duosocks to meet Approved Document B requirements.


GIS Duo Cavity Socks are effective sound barriers that fulfill the generic requirements to prevent flanking noise transmission in external and separating wall cavities. They are in compliance with Approved Document E (2014) of the building regulations for England, Wales, and Ireland.


The socks have a thermal conductivity of 0.037W/mK. When installed, they provide an efficient perimeter edge seal, meeting building regulations L1A and L2A, as well as section 6 of the Scottish building standards.


The fitting of GIS Duo Cavity Socks conforms to the requirements set out in Part E of the Robust Details scheme. Our socks meet E-WM 1-21 for masonry in separating and party walls, E-WT 1-4 for timber frame in separating and party walls, and E-FT 1-6 for separating floor applications.  Our socks comply with E-FC 1-14 for concrete in separating floor applications.



Cavity 281-300mm
Fire Rating
1 Hour
Pack Qty
Third Party Certification
Robust Detail
Yes, See Data Sheet For Full Details
Pallet Qty
14 Packs / 56 Lengths
Guardian Insulation Solutions
Product Code

Customer Reviews

GIS Duo Cavity Sock GDS100 281-300mm Cavity (Pack x4)

Product Code GDS100/281-300

1 Hour rated cavity fire barrier which prevents the spread of flames and smoke Reduces the passage of sound along the cavity